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Launch to Production

Before you launch with Replicache in your product, it's a good idea to double-check that you have correctly covered all the small details of integration. This list can help you determine if you might have missed a detail, or deferred and then forgotten about one.


  • Ensure that you are passing in your own Replicache license key
  • If you wish to change the signature of a mutator (eg, the number or type of its arguments) you must choose a new name; Replicache does not handle mutator versioning.
  • At some point you will almost certainly wish to change the schema of mutations included in the PushRequest and the client view returned in the PullResponse. The ReplicacheOptions.schemaVersion exists to facilitate this; it can be set by your app and is passed in both the PushRequest and PullRequest. Consider setting the schemaVersion from the start so that you don't later have to special case the "no schemaVersion" case.
  • If a user's auth token can expire during a session, causing your endpoints to return a 401, be sure that re-auth is handled for Push and Pull via getAuth.
  • Ensure your use of clientID is correct. A clientID represents a unique running instance of the Replicache class. Typically in applications, each tab load gets a unique clientID. Do not use the clientID as a stable identifier for a user, machine, or browser profile. Note: In multiplayer applications, a common and correct application of the clientID is to represent a running session (e.g., a mouse cursor), because in most multiplayer applications the design goal is that two tabs from the same user should show up as two separate cursors to other users.
  • The name property of ReplicacheOptions is required to differentiate Replicache instances for different users. This is important for the following reasons:
    • For efficiency and performance, a new Replicache instance will initialize its state from the persisted state of an existing Replicache instance with the same name, domain and browser profile.
    • Mutations from one Replicache instance may be pushed using the ReplicacheOptions.auth, ReplicacheOptions.pushURL, ReplicacheOptions.pullURL, ReplicacheOptions.pusher, and ReplicacheOptions.puller of another Replicache instance with the same name, domain and browser profile.

All endpoints

  • Ensure that you are authenticating the auth tokens configured via ReplicacheOptions, which are passed in the Authentication HTTP header.

  • Your endpoints should return HTTP 401 to indicate that the user's authentication token is invalid (e.g., non-existent or expired), and that the app should re-authenticate them.

  • Ensure that the clientID passed in does in fact belong to the authenticated user. Client IDs are random and cryptographically strong, but it is best to be safe. Note that the Replicache sample apps do not have a notion of a user, so they are missing the prudent step of associating the clientID with a user on the server and ensuring that the authenticated user is associated with the clientID that is passed in to the Push endpoint. If the clientID from one user is visible to others then you must do this authentication, else one user could push mutations on behalf of another user.

  • It is extremely important to ensure that your datastore and/or the way you use it guarantees the consistency and isolation properties required for Replicache to work as designed. These properties are:

    • the effects of a transaction are revealed atomically
    • within a transaction, reads are consistent, ie, reading the same item twice always results in the same value, unless changed within the transaction
    • a transaction sees the effects of all previously committed transactions

    For example, MySQL's SERIALIZABLE isolation level provides these guarantees.

    If would like some advice on how to set up your particular datastore correctly, or if you have any questions, please contact us.

  • The keys in Replicache are conceptually strings encoded using UTF-8. The ordering of the keys when doing scan is a bytewise compare of UTF-8 encoded strings. If you are implement ReadTransaction (or WriteTransaction) in your own backend make sure you are treating these strings as UTF-8. We provide and npm package called compare-utf8 which can be used to compare JS strings using UTF-8 bytewise comparison.

Push endpoint

See Push Launch Checklist.

Pull endpoint

See Pull Launch Checklist.